About Us
We’re Sheri and Vic Scarborough and we’re owned by several lovable adopted dogs! We’ve always loved animals, but have a special bond with the kind that bark. We are proud to be a part of this community and happy to call our beloved Aiken County our home!
You’ll find us most evenings just hanging out with our “kids” and walking out back in the woods!
Sheri has been a part of the pet industry for the past 20 years as a store owner, a sales representative and now a manufacturer. She co-founded a dog rescue while we spent 10 years in Jacksonville, Florida. It’s still up and running today! Along the way, Vic has always supported her efforts!
Vic’s background is in Corporate America, but you could now say that he has “gone to the dogs”!
We feel a tremendous responsibility to help the dogs in our area and hold frequent fundraisers with many rescue organizations.
We’re fortunate to have an amazing Team at Downtown DOG and we look forward to meeting you! Please stop by and say hello…and bring your Best Friend with you!